I am extremely happy and humbled to be featured in the latest issue of STATUS Magazine Issue Number 8. I have an extensive interview in the magazine covering my two lives; scientist and artist. The issue features Lady Gaga on the cover and within the issue you can find Devon Aoki, Yone, Sung Choi, Colette's Sarah Lerfel, PaperMonster and many more features revolving around art, music and fashion. It is great to see my pieces together and you can even catch a glimpse at some upcoming pieces. You can view past issues of the magazine online or visit STATUS Magazine over at: http://statusmagonline.com/
Excerpt from the PaperMonster x STATUS Mag Interview titled "DOUBLE IDENTITY"::
"It's not everyday that you get to see a guy with a Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences rip up the art scene the way stencil graffiti artist PaperMonster has. " I admit that it is a massive leap from stencil artist, but at the same time it is very exciting, and I am extremely lucky to be able to do both at the same time. My two lives really melt together at some points and both rely on the exact same thing: Experimenting......"
For your own issue of STATUS Mag Visit: http://statusmagonline.com/delivery/

STATUS Magazine Issue #8 Cover

PaperMonster Interview for STATUS Mag

STATUS MAG Issue# 7 Cover featuring Fafi
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