This weekend was the opening of the Stencil Group Show for Art Whino Gallery and it has been one of my favorite shows this year. The show brings together stencil artists from all over the world into one collective space where people can truly take in the variety and ingenuity behind beautiful and raw stencil art. The entire collection will be opened until Dec 6th with a special presentation by author of Stencil Nation, Russell Howze on November 23rd from 12-6pm. You do not want to miss out on getting some affordable original works from some of the worlds most talented stencil artists including: PaperMonster, John Koleszar, LECKOmio, Chris Stain, Jef Aerosol, E.L.K., Mefee, SOULE, Janet Bike Girl, Logan Hicks, Jazirock, Peter K, Billy Mode, PRVRT and many more.
John Koleszar and Stefan Winterle aka LECKOmio flew in for the show (John from Arizona and Stefan from Germany) and it was such a great experience to meet and work with them. They both helped a ton with the install and brought some incredible art to the event. I can not thank them enough for how big of a help they were and how honored I felt to be working with them. It was a pleasure and they are not just amazing stencil artists, they are amazing people. You can check out their work here:
http://myspace.com/winterle or http://www.stefanwinterle.de
http://myspace.com/johnkoleszar or http://koleszar.blogspot.com/
Both are taking stencil art to new heights and pushing the envelope in terms of how intricate and mind blowing stencil art can become.
You can check out pictures from the opening and the various artist installs of stencil art below::
(Click on images to view larger)
Ready for the opening.
LECKOmio (left) and Jef Aerosol (right)
Koleszar Install

Check out cans with can stencils on them.
Chris Stain
Janet "Bike Girl" and BlackBooks (above)
From left to right: Chris Stain, PaperMonster, E.L.K. and LECKomio

PaperMonster Install
PaperMonster Detail

Limited Edition Stencil pack made by BlackBooks of PaperMonster, ArtWhino and Scotch stencils.

LECKOmio Detail
His stencils have such quailty to them that they look like photographs.

Koleszar and Stefan/LECKOmio ready to tag.
Jazirock (left) and Koleszar (right)

PRVRT (left) and Billy Mode (right)
Peter K


Logan Hicks (above) and Blackbooks and Chris Stain (below)
PaperMonster signing
PaperMonster signing Sabotaz spraypaint
"When people don’t want to give you opportunities, STEAL THEM." -PaperMonster
I said that once and I still believe that if you want something bad enough you have to do whatever it takes to reach your goal and continue your passion.

Pierre from Treadmillin.com and PaperMonster

Gabriella, Jazirock, and PaperMonster

Stefan aka LECKOmio and John Koleszar
LECKOmio and PaperMonster Senior.
PaperMonster Senior is a master at hanging paintings!!

Packed house!!
-Paper Monster
This weekend was the opening of the Stencil Group Show for Art Whino Gallery and it has been one of my favorite shows this year. The show brings together stencil artists from all over the world into one collective space where people can truly take in the variety and ingenuity behind beautiful and raw stencil art. The entire collection will be opened until Dec 6th with a special presentation by author of Stencil Nation, Russell Howze on November 23rd from 12-6pm. You do not want to miss out on getting some affordable original works from some of the worlds most talented stencil artists including: PaperMonster, John Koleszar, LECKOmio, Chris Stain, Jef Aerosol, E.L.K., Mefee, SOULE, Janet Bike Girl, Logan Hicks, Jazirock, Peter K, Billy Mode, PRVRT and many more.
John Koleszar and Stefan Winterle aka LECKOmio flew in for the show (John from Arizona and Stefan from Germany) and it was such a great experience to meet and work with them. They both helped a ton with the install and brought some incredible art to the event. I can not thank them enough for how big of a help they were and how honored I felt to be working with them. It was a pleasure and they are not just amazing stencil artists, they are amazing people. You can check out their work here:
http://myspace.com/winterle or http://www.stefanwinterle.de
http://myspace.com/johnkoleszar or http://koleszar.blogspot.com/
Both are taking stencil art to new heights and pushing the envelope in terms of how intricate and mind blowing stencil art can become.
You can check out pictures from the opening and the various artist installs of stencil art below::
(Click on images to view larger)
Check out cans with can stencils on them.
His stencils have such quailty to them that they look like photographs.
PRVRT (left) and Billy Mode (right)
I said that once and I still believe that if you want something bad enough you have to do whatever it takes to reach your goal and continue your passion.

Gabriella, Jazirock, and PaperMonster
Stefan aka LECKOmio and John Koleszar
PaperMonster Senior is a master at hanging paintings!!
-Paper Monster
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