WOw. After a long day of painting all four walls are finally done. I am looking forward to the unveiling. I am proud to show people a part of me and a field in which I am extremely interested in. The actual speed of the project also makes me feel good as I was able to create four distinct murals without ever feeling overwhelmed. I don't consider myself an artist. I am a stencilist. This project was another way of stretching my imagination and challenging myself to learn new techniques. The walls are an extension of what I am feeling and the experiences that I have been through. Since I can not speak to every person at Drew at one time I figure I can do it through images. People like pictures!!! Enjoy and thank you for all of your support.

Off to the next project. Not sure what it is yet but I am sure it will be interesting.
1 comment:
Dear artist,
The statement that you are not an artist won't work. If it is true that this work is an extension of what you are feeling, and the experiences you have been through, then you are an artist. Perhaps, in your past, you may have also created work which held very little of the quality of you, and was simply created according to someone else's directives. But in the case of your current work, No one else would have created it, true?. It is yours uniquely. It comes from your own life. There are many artists who work solely in prints, for instance. Are they printers? Stenciling is a tool. one of many, that are available to artists. Stencils are one of your tools right now, along with vision, concept, composition, emotions,heart, mind, and choice of subject matter etc. Stencils are your medium of choice. As long as you doing this work, it is too late too minimize your part as an artist in it. I have cut my own (odd looking) stencils, then sprayed(little bottles) them with thinned down acrylic...It's art.
I put it in the stencil show at art. If what we call "art" is determined by the tools we use, then we would have no artists at all, only brushers and water-splashers and paint draggers and clay pushers... it is the feeling invested that makes it in to art.
That is all...
Lis Dreizen
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