
TheAsianEconomist.com is happy to announce that it has launch it’s interview section and we are very glad to have our first interview be with a rising stencil artist, PaperMonster. You can check out more of his work at his blog: http://papermonster.wordpress.com.PaperMonster will be our feature Artist for our first issue of The Asian Economist Online Magazine, stay tune for the release date of the Magazine.
The Interview
Why did you choose the name PaperMonster?
The name PaperMonster came from a lot of different parts of my life but one was the huge amount of paper that I consume and the mess that comes with stenciling and later having a final product of a beautiful stencil, but then looking at the area around you and seeing the large amount of tiny paper fragments which are so hard to clean up. The name fits well and at the same time there is this opposition occurring where the name PaperMonster is very strong and you imagine chaos but my work is very focused on beauty and subtleties with loud colors.
When did you start doing stencil and what/who influence you in the beginning?
I started about four years ago doing very ugly stencils at the time when I had little to no skills. I used all of the wrong types of materials and had no concept of negative space. The first stencil involved a cartoon character I used to draw constantly and the second stencil was of my face wearing a respirator mask. The cartoon looked great but my face looked horrible. I would spend days on just one stencil and now I can spend only a couple hours and come out with something incredible. I remember buying my first stencil book “Stencil Graffiti” and it blew my mind. I wanted so desperately to be a famous stencil graffiti artist. Things take time and success does not come over night. I still dream about becoming a famous stencil artist.
Where do you get your ideas for your works?I get my ideas from real people expressing true beauty. I am inspired..........
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-Paper Monster