Friday, January 08, 2010

PaperMonster's Favorite Things January 2010

Happy New Year!! It is January and that means a fresh new PaperMonster's Favorite Things post is here. This month I bring you tons of new toys, photos, applications and videos to kick your year to a great start. Enjoy.
First we have the new IA5 iPod Touch/Phone Dock from iHome (HERE) which is in one word "INCREDIBLE." It does not only just play all your music in great audio quality but it contains an application that allows you to adjust what you want to hear when you wake up and go to bed while at the same time it tracks your sleeping and waking patterns to let you know if your are having enough sleep. WOW (Check out the video above from G4Tv at the CES.)

Followed by the iHome we have photos of Harbin, China. I actually had the pleasure of visiting Harbin in my trip to China several years back and this city is a mix of Chinese and Russian influence as it is one of the most Northern cities in China. During the Winter they take ice from their lake and surrounding water and create gigantic impressive ice sculptures and create an entire ice city. You have to see the photos for yourself.

Harbin, China

Harbin, China

Following the ice sculptures of Harbin we have one of my favorite iPhone/iPod touch apps to come out so far. It is called NOVA and if you don't own Halo or want to play Halo in your office or anywhere you go this is the closest and best game your will ever buy. It has an incredible story as well as a AMAZING wifi multiplayer option which you can go against players all using the application. At one point PaperMonster was at the top 80 out of 4000 players in terms of game kills and points. I was hooked and you will be too. Check it out above.

Captured In Chinatown-Running In Circles
Lastly I wanted to share a video and song that has been one of my favorites for quite some time: Captured in Chinatown: Running In Circles. Check out the video and let me know what you think.

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